Workout of the Week – Badass Upper Body

Workout of the Week – Badass Upper Body

By Josiah Novak

This Workout of the Week is an Upper Body focused workout that will push muscle growth and help boost your metabolism.

We kick off the workout of the week with some hypertrophy work. We also will include some mobility work in between sets.

Finally, we wrap things up with some metabolic conditioning!

I always suggest starting your workout with a proper warm up.  Fellow fitness expert Matt Ogus has an awesome video walking you through an Upper Body warm up.  Check it out below

After we are all warmed up – lets jump into our first superset.

Superset #1: 

  • Standing Barbell Military Press  4 sets of 10-12
  • Pull-ups 4 sets of 10 – 12

Rest between exercises: minimal (whatever time needed to get to the next exercise)

Rest between sets: 60 seconds

Superset #2

  • Incline Dumbbell Press 3 sets of 10-12
  • T- Bar Rows 3 sets of 10-12
  • After each superset complete 10 reps of Wall Slides 

Rest between exercises: Minimal to none

Rest between sets: 60 seconds MAX

After you’ve knocked out 2 groups of supersets we are going to end the lifting portion of the workout with a Density set.  You’ll set the clock for 8 minutes and complete as many rounds of the following 3 exercises as you can.

OK Now for the FUN PART!    METCON TIME!

I call this one “Dumb and Dumber”

Equipment Needed: Bodyweight

Instructions: Complete all reps in 8 minutes or less

The Circuit:

60 Mountain Climbers

50 Jumping Jacks

40 Skater Hops

30 Squats

20 Toe Touches

10 Burpees

Ok that’s it!  Enjoy!