Why CrossFit is Awesome (The Real Truth)

Why CrossFit is Awesome (The Real Truth)

By Josiah Novak


CrossFit is awesome….don’t believe me?  Keep reading… Why Cross Fit is Awesome (The Real Truth)
Let me be honest. I’m not a fan of cross fit for the average person.
Kinda like I’m not a fan of country music (sorry).
But that doesn’t mean country music stinks.
It’s just not for me. And that’s ok.
But Cross-fit (for some) is AWESOME. Let me explain:
1. Cross-fit is a sport and some people are destined for sports. Some of you reading this might be a really good athlete who’s itching to get after some competition. Crossfit might scratch that itch and give you the outlet you need.
2. Crossfit pushes you mentally. Sure, I don’t agree with the programming, but once again— Crossfit is a sport. Just like some people enjoy playing pick-up basketball or flag-football… 
Crossfit is not easy and it forces you to get out of your comfort zone.
3. Crossfit builds community. This is why I put together the True8 program. It’s not just about the amazing workouts and nutrition strategies. It’s about bringing people together with a common goal. Crossfit builds a community for sure.
Now…as a final word.
I don’t recommend crossfit for most people.
Just like I don’t recommend advanced workouts for most people.
Crossfit requires patience, skills, an appetite for injury risk, and advanced coaching.
Just because I don’t love it or recommend it doesnt mean it’s not awesome.
Country music is awesome…
It’s just not for me..