He Lost 30 Pounds in 3 Months With This Exact Fat Loss System

Introduction to Lifestyle Design

Fat loss is not merely about following another fitness program. It’s fundamentally about lifestyle design. This was the crucial message I conveyed to my client, David, who successfully lost 30 pounds in just three months. In this blog, we will explore no-nonsense, practical fat loss advice that can inspire and motivate you to embark on your transformation journey.

About Josiah Novak and True Transformation

My name is Josiah Novak, and I am the founder of True Transformation. I specialize in helping successful men over 40 who struggle with their fitness despite excelling in their careers and personal lives. My approach integrates not just physical health but also mental and spiritual well-being through the 3M system: Movement, Muscle, and Meals.

The Key Fat Loss Strategies

When it comes to fat loss, many misconceptions abound. Most people believe that achieving their ideal body requires extreme measures. However, I advocate for a more sustainable approach focused on lifestyle changes rather than torture and deprivation. Here are some key strategies to consider:

Lifestyle Design Over Traditional Fitness Programs

Many individuals believe that fat loss must be excruciatingly difficult. This notion often leads to short-term results and long-term frustration. Instead of relying on intense fitness programs, focus on designing a lifestyle that promotes healthy habits. Your journey should be enjoyable and sustainable, allowing you to incorporate fitness seamlessly into your daily routine.

Understanding the Emotional and Logical Brain

We all have two sides to our decision-making: the emotional and the logical. While your logical brain understands the necessity of healthy eating and exercise, your emotional brain can often sabotage your efforts by justifying unhealthy choices. Recognizing this internal conflict is crucial. Strive to align your emotional responses with your fitness goals, allowing you to make healthier choices without feeling deprived.

Personalization and Process Focus

Every individual’s fitness journey is unique. It’s essential to create a personalized plan that aligns with your lifestyle and preferences. Rather than fixating solely on outcomes, concentrate on daily processes. Celebrate small victories, which will help build momentum and keep you motivated throughout your journey.

Calorie Deficit and Nutrition

To achieve fat loss, you must maintain a calorie deficit. This means consuming fewer calories than your body burns. However, it’s important to approach this with flexibility. Instead of adhering to a strict calorie target, aim for a range that allows for some indulgence while still promoting fat loss. Prioritize protein intake to support muscle maintenance and overall health.

Effective Training Approaches

Building muscle and engaging in strength training is vital for fat loss. Targeting the 4-12 rep range is effective for most individuals. This approach allows you to gain strength while also encouraging muscle growth, which can increase your resting metabolic rate.

Myth Busting: Frequent Eating and Metabolism

One common misconception is that eating every two hours boosts metabolism. In reality, this can lead to an unhealthy fixation on food and make it harder to maintain a calorie deficit. Instead, focus on fewer, more substantial meals that provide satiety and keep you satisfied for longer periods.

Movement and Daily Activity

Incorporating more movement into your daily life is essential. Walking is one of the simplest yet most effective ways to increase your activity level. Look for creative ways to add movement throughout your day, such as taking phone calls while walking or using a standing desk.

Alcohol and Lifestyle Adjustments

Alcohol can significantly hinder fat loss efforts. Many individuals overlook the impact that drinking has on their progress. Consider reducing or eliminating alcohol from your lifestyle to improve your results. Reflecting on personal anecdotes, I have found that cutting out alcohol can lead to better energy levels and overall well-being.

Understanding the 3M System

To effectively implement these strategies, I developed the 3M system, which encompasses Movement, Muscle, and Meals. This system serves as a framework for achieving sustainable fat loss:

  • Movement: Incorporate regular walking and physical activity into your routine.
  • Muscle: Engage in strength training 3-4 times a week, complemented by fun and varied workouts.
  • Meals: Follow consistent meal plans that align with your calorie and protein targets.

Call to Action

If you’re ready to transform your life, I invite you to learn more about the True Transformation program. Schedule a free coaching call to receive personalized guidance tailored to your unique situation. Investing in your mental, spiritual, and physical health is vital for long-term success.


In conclusion, leading yourself toward better health is the first step in being able to lead others effectively. Use fitness as a tool for overall life improvement, and remember that the journey to fat loss should not be torturous. With the right mindset and strategies, you can achieve your goals and enjoy the process along the way.

Links for Further Exploration