Day 10 of the 12 Days of TRUE FITmas

Day 10 of the 12 Days of TRUE FITmas

By Josiah Novak

Have you checked out our upcoming TRUE8 Challenge?
You can reserve your spot here.
If you join our TRUE8 you’ll be getting hooked up with all sorts of resources.
Including my Restaurant Cheat Sheet.
And today I’m giving it to you for FREE
Check it out here.
Day 10 of the TRUE Fitmas Challenge is HERE!
If you missed the last 8 days – I have you covered
Here’s the link to get DAY 1 all caught up
Here’s the DAY 2 link
Day 3 is here
Day 4 is HERE
Day 5 is HERE
Day 6 is HERE
Day 7 and Day 8 and Day 9
Every day from now until Christmas I’m going to be sending you a 3-part challenge.
3 KEY areas…
Your goal is to knock them out each day and email me back when you do.
(Hint: There will be some prizes)
These challenges will seem simple, but I promise you they aren’t easy.
You’ll feel a bit uncomfortable
(that’s the point)
But you’ll start noticing some changes.
And those changes will help build momentum.
And momentum is HUGE when it comes to getting better results.
You’ll start to improve your self-belief and you’ll find that sticking to your goals will get easier.
Here’s Day 10:
On the 10th Day of Fitmas – Josiah Gave to Me…
20 minutes of:

  • 5 Burpees
  • 10 Push-ups
  • 15 Air Squats

Get as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes
Be sure to tag me in your posts on social with #TRUEFITMAS hashtag if you post about the workout.
On the 10th Day of Fitmas – Josiah Gave to Me…
Sit down and eat each meal today. Be present when you’re eating.
No mindless eating today or eating while in a rush.
Spend 10 minutes today with no phone, no distractions and just silence to allow yourself to think.
10 minutes! You got this.
And that my friends is Day 10.
Your homework is this:
1. Complete all 3 challenges in the next 24 hours.
2. Reply to this email when you do
3. Tag me on Social Media with the hashtag #TRUEFITMAS
And enjoy!
Talk again soon,
P.S. I’m giving early access to our TRUE8 Program…
Check it out here if you’re ready to change your body, your mindset and your life.