12 Days of TRUE FITmas – Day 4 (FREE GIFTS)

12 Days of TRUE FITmas – Day 4 (FREE GIFTS)

By Josiah Novak

Apply for 1 on 1 Coaching HERE
I’m not sure if you’re aware of this, but eggnog is proven to help you burn fat.
Specifically that fat right on your waistline.
The fat that makes you cringe when you’re naked in front of the mirror.
Eggnog = fat burning juice
You heard it here first.
Ok, now for the serious stuff…
First up…I have a free gift for you.
It’s the Holidays after all.
It’s my “Get Lean for Life CheatSheet”
You can download it here for FREE – ENJOY!
Next up –
Day 4 of the TRUE Fitmas Challenge is all wrapped up and right here for you to open up.
If you missed Days 1, 2 and 3 – Santa’s gonna fill up your stocking with coal and make you do Xmax burpees.
Just messing with you.
Here’s the link to get DAY 1 all caught up
Here’s the DAY 2 link
Day 3 is here.
You can definitely knock out Days 1, 2, 3 and 4 in one day if you want.
Or you can catch up over the coming days.
Or you can just start today with Day 4.
Every day from now until Christmas I’m going to be sending you a 3-part challenge.
3 KEY areas…
Your goal is to knock them out each day and email me back when you do.
(Hint: There will be some prizes)
These challenges will seem simple, but I promise you they aren’t easy.
You’ll feel a bit uncomfortable
(that’s the point)
But you’ll start noticing some changes.
And those changes will help build momentum.
And momentum is HUGE when it comes to getting better results.
You’ll start to improve your self-belief and you’ll find that sticking to your goals will get easier.
Here’s Day 4:
On the 4th Day of Fitmas – Josiah Gave to Me…
A 4 Part Challenge
Over the next 24 Hours Complete:
40 Push Ups
40 Burpees
40 Air Squats
(Here’s a tip: Do these on commercial break while you watch football or your favorite show)
Be sure to tag me in your posts on social with #TRUEFITMAS hashtag if you post about the workout.
On the 4th Day of Fitmas – Josiah Gave to Me…
Make a delicious smoothie today
Here’s a bunch of recipes to try.
On the 4th Day of Fitmas – Josiah Gave to Me…
Send 4 Virtual Christmas cards to 4 people that you haven’t talked to in awhile.
Make sure you mention why each person has had a huge impact on your life.
Thank them and don’t expect anything in return.
And that, my party people, is DAY 4.
Your homework is this:
1. Complete all 3 challenges in the next 24 hours.
2. Email me at Josiah@TheTrueTransformation.com when you do
3. Tag me on Social Media with the hashtag #TRUEFITMAS
And enjoy!
Talk again soon,
P.S. Our next TRUE8 opens the Day after Xmas and if you want in early…
You can email me at Josiah@TheTrueTransformation.com and bribe me with eggnog and cookies LOL
I might just have a FREE 30 day program if you want in early today to ensure you’re tied over till we open the doors.
TRUE8 2.0 is our new and improved TRUE8 program. It’s for you if you want to build a better body, improve your confidence, lose that belly-fat and transform your mindset forever in 2019.
TRUE8 EXTREME is for you if you are already in the midst of a transformation but want to take things to the NEXT level and truly push far outside of your comfort zone. There will be tougher workouts and you’ll be targeting the best shape of your life as your ultimate prize.
Both options will open to the public Dec 26th.
Email me at Josiah@TheTrueTransformation.com if you want to reserve a spot today.
Apply for 1 on 1 Coaching HERE